Jumaat, 3 Mac 2017

2 Bulan 'sorang-sorang' di rumah selepas habis sekolah/ Home alone for 2 months after school leaving

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera para pembaca blog sekalian,

         Hari ini aku nak membicara pasal errr......duduk sorang-sorang di rumah lepas berakhirnya zaman persekolahan. Kalau sebelum bermulanya sesi persekolahan, aku memang seronok beli baju sekolah baru, alat tulis baru dan macam-macam lagilah. Namun kini, semuanya tinggal kenangan saja dan hanya adik-adik aku saja yang sibuk membeli barang-barang persekolahan. Ketika aku menulis artikel ni, tinggal 14 hari lagi sebelum keputusan SPM sebenar diumumkan dan baru-baru ini keputusan STPM pun sudah diumumkan.

           Today I want to talk about errrrr........home alone after my school days are ended. If in the past before the school session started, I got excited when I bought new school clothes, new stationery and many more. But now, I was all memory and only my siblings were busy bought school thingy. During I am writing this article, it is only 16 days left before the real SPM examination results will announced and recently the STPM results was already announced.

Sekarang aku nak cerita sikit apa aku buat selama 3 bulan (sebenarnya dua bulan pasal tak kira cuti ke Australia) di rumah saja bukan pasal keputusan peperiksaan yang aku akan ceritakan nanti....

Now I'm talking about what am I do at home for almost 3 months (actually 2 months not to mention my trip to Australia) not the examination results that will I tell for another time.....

            Setiap hari pada waktu pagi (pada hari bekerja la), lepas mummy dan abah dah pergi keluar untuk bekerja (kadang kala adik-beradik aku yang terakhir keluar untuk pergi ke sekolah), bermulalah sesi duduk sorang di rumah. Pertama sekali, aku berbelah bahagi mana satu kerja nak aku buat? Buat sarapan untuk aku atau basuh baju terlebih dahulu. Basuh baju pulak dua kali iaitu kali pertama untuk baju putih atau yang berwarna terang dan kali kedua pulak untuk pakaian lain. Cakap pasal sarapan, aku masak yang senang-senang aku buat seperti masak sosej contohnya.

           Every day in the morning (in weekdays lah), after my parents go out for work ( sometimes my siblings go out later for school), my 'session' of home alone starts. First of all, I am undivided which work I should do? Prepare for breakfast or wash clothes first?? Talking about washing clothes, there are two times that are the first time is for white or light clothes and the second time for the rest of the clothes. Speaking about breakfast, I am cooking the easiest cook such as sausages.

          Aku tak nak bicara panjang pasal apa yang aku buat setiap hari cuma aku ringkaskan saja. Ada masa aku buka komputer dan baca apa-apa bacaan yang dimahukan dalam internet. Kadang kala, aku jugak menonton dokumentari sekali. Walau bagaimanapun, tak boleh juga menghabiskan masa dengan komputer. Kerja lain yang aku buat ialah memasak nasi (kuah, mummy yang sediakan). Masa santai aku diisi dengan membaca bacaan yang berat. Contohnya buku 'Why Nations Fail' yang dihadiahkan oleh Abang Shahmi dan buku 'Mein Kampf', biografi Hitler yang aku baru beli di kedai buku POPULAR di Sunway Pyramid.

        I don't want talk much about what am I doing everyday but I am just to summarize. There is a time I turn on the computer and mostly spent time on reading the articles in the Internet. Sometimes, I also watch documentaries. However, I can't spent too much time on the computer. Another work I do is cooking rice (another dishes was prepared by Mummy). My relax time is filled with reading some thick books. For example the book 'Why Nations Fail' which was given as a present by Abang Shahmi and Hitler's biography, 'Mein Kampf' that I just bought from POPULAR book store at Sunway Pyramid. 

     Namun dalam masa 3 bulan ni bukanlah sepenuhnya duduk di rumah tapi sikit sajalah. Pada hari Sabtu minggu pertama bulan Januari lalu, aku pergi ke kursus 6 jam mengenai ujian memandu di Pusat Akademi Memandu Cekap di Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam. Seorang kawan sekolah aku, Batrisya Azman dari kelas 5 Ekonomi Asas pun ikut aku sekali dengan naik kereta sekali bersama Uncle Sujend. Apa yang aku tahu ialah, dah agak ketat sedikit cara nak peroleh lesen memandu kompeten disebabkan adanya sistem KEJARA dan juga kena belajar pulak macam mana nak memeriksa kereta sebelum memandu. Apa yang aku cerita ni cuma sebahagian daripada kelas memandu tersebut dan aku akan ceritakan ni kemudian.  Pada waktu rehat pulak aku jumpa dan sembang dengan Zarif Fahmi, kawan sekelas aku. Aku lupa pulak dia ambil kursus apa.  Aku nanti ulas lebih banyak lagi dalam ruangan komen kalau ada soalan.

   Nevertheless in this 3 months doesn't mean I am just sitting alone at home all the time but just a few activities. On the first Saturday last January, I went to the 6 hours course about the driving test at Cekap Driving Academy Centre at Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam. One of my schoolmate, Batrisya Azman from 5 EA also followed me by ride in a car with Uncle Sujend. What I knew from the class was, now it is very strict to gain competent license thanks to the KEJARA system and also must learn to check a vehicle before start driving. What I tell you in this entry just a part from this driving class and I will explain to you later. On the recess time, I saw and had a chit chat with Zarif Fahmi, my classmate. I forgot what course that he took. I will tell more maybe in the comment section if there is a question.
kelas memandu 6 jam...

     Selepas 2 minggu, aku menduduki ujian berkomputer di premis yang menempatkan ujian berkomputer dan diuruskan oleh syarikat yang sama. Uihhh, besar jugak jaringan pusat memandu, aku ingatkan dekat pusat latihan memandu saja di Taman Sri Muda. Ketika aku menghadapi ujian tersebut, pada awal-awal soalan memang mudah tapi bila dah nak soalan akhir-akhir tu, alamak aku mula sedikit tertekan. Aku masih ingat soalan berkenaan hukuman dan kadar denda dalam salah satu kesalahan jalan raya. Ayooo, aku macam tak baca atau dah lupa dah......tapi syukurlah dapat markah 43/50, itupun sikit-sikit lagi dah nak gagal. Aku kalau boleh nak sekali sahaja ujian berkomputer sebab kalau nak ulang kena bayarla, jadi nasihat aku kalau nak elak gagal ujian, banyakkan membaca ya......

      After 2 weeks, I sat for a computer test at the premise where the test was held and it is managed by the same company. Uihh, what a big network of driving centre, I thought it is just at the driving test centre at Taman Sri Muda. During I sat for that test, the earliest question quite being easy (well because some of the questions are about the road signage), unfortunately when the test was almost to the end, oh dear I felt nervous. I still remember the question about the punishment and the fine on one of the road offences. Ayoooo, maybe I didn't read or I forgot...but thankfully I achieved 43/50 marks, well I was nearly failed the test. Actually, if I could I want to finish the test just one time with flying colours because if I repeated the test, I had to pay for it, so my advice if you to avoid test failure, read more.

      Waktu tidur pulak, tak macam selalu, paling awal aku tidur pun pukul 11.45 malam. Mungkin pasal nak kena tunggu adik kot agaknya atau pakai internet. Aktiviti lain pulak ialah datang appointment dengan doktor gigi. Tu je........rasa macam tak mau cerita la pasal hujung minggu.

      During bedtime, unlike before, I sleep at most early as 11.45 p.m. Maybe because I had to wait my younger brother or surfing the internet. Another activity was went to dentist appointment. That's all......I feel that I don't want to talk much about weekends.

     Dalam aku hanya 'home alone' di rumah, kawan-kawan lain pulak seronok bersiar-siar. Ada yang buat reunion, malah ada yang beberapa kali mungkin untuk menyambut hari jadi kawan masing-masing. Ada jugak yang bebas pergi bercuti bersama kawan-kawan, paling jauh sampai ke Pulau Pinang, siap naik ETS lagi! Terra betoi.....Paling ciput pun, ada beberapa kawan-kawan aku pergi jalan-jalan di pusat membeli belah. Dalam masa 3 bulan cuti jugak, ramai jugak kawan-kawan mengambil keputusan untuk bekerja sambilan. Aku pulak......buat cam pembantu rumah je laaa haha....ada masa jugak menulis (seperti blog ini) dan baca buku.

     On the other hand, as I was only home alone, some of my friends excited 'outing' together. Some of them had organised a reunion, plus some had several times maybe because to celebrate their friend's birthday. There are some of my friends are also freely had a vacation with their buddies (not with any family member eh), even with hop in the ETS train! So terror..... Most less, several of my friend's went strolling at the shopping mall. In almost 3 months, many of my friends decided to taking a job. Me?....do like a 'house maid' lah.....haha. Luckily, I also have a time to write (for example this blog) and reading books as I stated above.....

    Itu saja aku berbicara pada kali ini. Kepada kawan-kawan sekolah aku, semoga berseronok dan aku harap dapat jumpa korang masa hari keputusan ya! Serius aku cakap, aku rindu semua cikgu-cikgu yang mengajar aku masa zaman sekolah dulu termasuk zaman sekolah rendah dan kawan-kawan sebaya yang 'adik manis' haha! (psst...jangan fikir benda yang bukan-bukan lak).  Wassalam........

    That's all I want to talk in this entry. For my school friends, have fun and I hope get to see you again on the of the result! Seriously, I miss all the teachers who taught me in my school life including elementary school teachers and the 'cuttie' friends..haha! (pssstt...don't too thinking much hehe) Wassalam...
Semalam punya cerita...baru pandai masak telur!

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